Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Roles Expectations and Competencies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Roles Expectations and Competencies - Assignment Example Furthermore, responsibilities such as promoting professionals and improving services for the providers of continuing education should be performed effectively. The nurse educator should further have the ability to enhance the quality of the services provided by the health education specialist. Moreover, the nurse educator should be responsible for supporting and promoting the profession in order to earn considerable recognition among the patients (NCHEC, 2008). National League for Nursing (NLN) has provided certain competencies and responsibilities required for academic educators. Firstly, the candidate should facilitate learning along with teaching strategies suitable for learner needs, required learner results, content and context. Furthermore, the candidate should effectively practice evidence-based teaching in order to provide clear understanding to the health specialists. Secondly, the candidate should be responsible to develop nurses and incorporate behaviors and values which a re expected to fit in the role. Moreover, the candidate should have the ability in providing various sources to diverse learners in order to meet their individual learning needs. Thirdly, the candidate should implement various strategies for assessing and evaluating the practices of the health specialist students in order to enhance the teaching-learning process (National League for Nursing, 2005). In addition, the candidate should be responsible for participating in course design and making evaluation of the program results for the development of healthcare trends and for preparing health specialists to function efficiently in the healthcare industry. The candidate should identify that their roles are multidimensional thus, requiring a higher level of commitment for development and maintaining advanced competencies. Furthermore, the candidate is required to participate in professional development prospects that enhance the effectiveness of their specified roles. Moreover, the candi date should exhibit the qualities of scholar, such as creativity, integrity, vitality and perseverance. Last but not the least, the candidate should have the ability to identify the factors of social, political, economical and institutional factors that help to promote higher education as a foundation for making effective recommendations and decisions (National League for Nursing, 2005). Descriptions of Each of the Three Positions Advertisement of Quintiles The advertisement provided by Quintiles in order to recruit Nurse Educator field-based, specified that the candidate should be greatly enthusiastic in leading a team of health specialist for delivering excellence in care to its clients. The candidate should have a Bachelor's degree in Nursing or extensive industry/clinical experience. Preference would be given to the candidates who have an experience of Rheumatology/Gastrointestinal (GI) along with the passion and enthusiasm for providing excellent services to the clients (Quinti les, 2012). As a nurse educator, the candidate should be responsible for coordinating and supervising all the sections of clinical care along with providing training to the educators and staff facilities. Thus, according to the competency statements mentioned above, the requirements of the advertisement appropriately fulfill the descriptions posted on the advertisement. However, after viewing the advertisement I wanted to know

Monday, February 3, 2020

Problems The Eurozone was Facing in 2011-2012 due to Poor Performances Essay

Problems The Eurozone was Facing in 2011-2012 due to Poor Performances of Some Members and Their Resolving - Essay Example political, economic, financial and social challenges facing the Euro zone along and also explains the measures that can be taken to solve the crisis threatening the collapse of the Euro zone single currency – the Euro. Current political, economic, financial and social challenges facing the Euro zone Political problems in Eurozone Stiglitz (2011) has pointed out that more of political in nature rather than economic. In his opinion, â€Å"If Europe issues Eurobonds, debts are manageable. Even a 150 per cent debt to GDP ratio can be handled if interest rates are low enough, but if rates are high they cannot be†(Stiglitz, 2011). Many people have the illusion that the Eurozone problems are caused by economic factors rather than political factors. Such people believe that Europe is comparatively a stable political region and therefore political problems have fewer roles in causing any challenge to the functioning of Eurozone. However in reality, as in the case of many other r egions in the world, political problems are causing more damages to the ambitions of Eurozone to become the strongest economic power in the world. For example, Greece is one Eurozone country which is facing huge financial problems now. Kotios et al, (2011) have pointed out that the inconsistent economic policies of Greece have contributed heavily to the downfall of Greece (Kotios et al, 2011, p. 263). Greece adopted some kind of economic policies which were unsuitable to the needs of the current economic climate. Their inconsistent economic policies affected Greece as well as Eurozone. â€Å"The European Central Bank is under pressure to bail out indebted countries by printing more euros. But it really isn't as straightforward as that† (Obama Accuses Eurozone of "Problem of Political Will", 2011).... This paper describes the full range of political, economic, financial and social problems, that the Eurozone was experiencing in the years, following the global financial crisis. The crisis exposed weaknesses in Greece economy, as well as in economies of some other members. That economic problems in turn became the threat to the existence of the single currency. The paper also reviews set of economic measures introduced by the members in 2011-2012, that were aiming at overcoming the aftermath of the global crisis The member of Eurozone countries have adopted Euro as their currency in order to reduce the formalities in money transactions of economic transactions between these countries. In short, Eurozone can be defined as a geographic and economic region that consists of all the European Union countries, that have fully incorporated the euro as their national currency. The inconsistent economic policies of Greece have contributed heavily to the downfall of Greece. Greece adopted some kind of economic policies which were unsuitable to the needs of the current economic climate. That affected Greece as well as Eurozone. The ECB was under pressure to bail out indebted countries by printing more euros. Still, many of the European countries were against printing more euros to assist Greece like nations. The absence of centralised political management was causing problems to the functioning of Eurozone. Each member countries were functioning independently and the political control of Eurozone over member countries was negligible. Economic problems in some Eurozone member countries were causing problems in all the other members. Some ot them believed that the poor performances of Spain and Greece were retarding their growth also.