Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What different tactics were used by both sides in an attempt to win the conflict in Vietnam between 1956 and 1968?

During the Vietnam War, there were many different tactics used by American and Vietcong in order to win the war. These tactics had an influence over the opposition's use and the choice of tactics. From the beginning of the war the Vietcong realised that in order to win they must win the â€Å"hearts and the minds† of the peasants. This way they could be provided with shelter, food and such like, also they would be able to enlist more fighters for their cause and above all else the peasants would see that communism was the war which their country should be heading. In order to do this they operated by a special code dealing with the peasants, they brought up rules such, not to damage the land and crops or spoil the houses, not to insist on buying or borrowing land, never break the rule, to help them with their daily work. These rules ensured that the peasants would support the Vietcong and help them at any opportunity. As well as these gestures of kindness towards the peasants, they would also educate them as to why they were so poor and, explain how much better communism would be to them. The American on the other hand although realising to some extent that the war was only going to be won with the support of the peasants were far less active in their approach to helping, and indoctrinating them. On the news and publicly they were seen to be helping them but the soldiers were far willing as well as the peasants were already prejudice against the US involvement in the war. An example of the American focussing on the peasants was the â€Å"Strategic Hamlet†. Under the guidance of the CIA they uprooted whole villages and took the peasants to an enclosed area and kept them under guard. The idea was to stop the peasants influenced by Vietcong, however, this was an understandably very unpopular tactic, and moreover it turned more peasants against the Americans than it did win the support. American used high technology weapons that were capable of destroying practically anything. They were particularly keen on using their advance and bombs. At first they bombed specific targets but when they realized that this had a little effect, then they began to use blanket bombing, this was known as â€Å"Operation Rolling Thunder†. It was a bombing campaign that was put over the North of Vietnam in 1964. It was originally set up to last about eight weeks but in actual fact it continued for over three years. The Vietcong had no such armaments and technology compared to USA, so they relied on using Guerrilla warfare. This was originally adapted by Mao Zedong for use by China; Ho Chi Minh exploited Chinas tactics very carefully. The Guerrilla warfare made it almost impossible for the US to know who was their â€Å"friend or foe†. Also, they used Ambush techniques to attack enemy and isolated units. The â€Å"Hit and Run† tactics were designed to put small holes in the enemy that eventually amounted to winning the war. The Vietcong resource from the beginning were stretched, not necessarily manpower but weapons and other resources were scarce. So the Vietcong used unexploded bombs to produce Traps such as â€Å"Bouncing Bettys†, mines that one triggered would jump up and explode around main victim that stands on it. â€Å"Booby Traps† such as concealed holes in the ground usually covered by leaves and just deep enough so someone cannot get out. Also such traps as the â€Å"Punji Trap† which is similar to the concealed hole, but with spikes in the bottom. There was also the grenade attached to a trip wire, which meant that when a soldier walked through the wire, the grenade would spring out and explode on them. The idea of these traps was not actually meant to kill the enemy but to maim them. The important point of this was that if someone is dead then they only needed a body bag, but if they are injured the enemy has to spend time and resources healing them instead and the other troops had to hear their comrades scream with pain, which is very draining on morale. When fighting the Guerrillas would go out in groups and only engage in ambush situations. This meant that they used their knowledge of the area they were fighting in to hinder the USA. This led the American to develop chemical weapons that were used to make the Vietcong more visible. Agent Orange was a chemical defoliant that was used to clear areas of terrain where the Vietcong was suspected to be, but it also caused birth defects among women. Another favourite weapon used by the USA was Napalm. It was a mixture of petroleum jelly with phosphorous that was dropped from fighter – bombers over suspected Vietcong inhabited areas. All that needed was one drop and then it would burn through to the bone and this caused the victims would die of phosphorous poisoning. America would use a combination of troops that were closely supported by planes and helicopters. The planes would be mounted with a gun known as â€Å"Puff the magic dragon†, a devastating 30mm cannon that could rip up any thing with a â€Å"wall of lead†. The Vietcong were ill – equipped compared to the Americans but they had an establish route called the â€Å"Ho Chi Minh Trail† that was a complex web of jungle tracks which ran from North Vietnam to Saigon carrying about 60 tons of aid per day. In the beginning of the war it took six months for a soldier to navigate his way the trial but as the route became to used more often the experienced soldiers was able to get through in six weeks. The Americans was desperately try to bomb the route but it was invisible from the air so it was impossible to hit with any accuracy. As the war progressed the USA became more and more frustrated because of the increasing number of soldiers they were getting, and the tactics they used became more aggressive. They started to use policies of â€Å"Search and Destroy†, where groups of troops would go out with the aim of killing any members of the Vietcong they find. They sent small platoons into areas where the tunnels had opening and send men into there with grenade to blow up the Vietcong and shoot any survivors. The troops were trained to think of the Vietcong as scum and had no problem in slaughtering them, and any Vietcong supporters were also killed. Jets, boats tanks and helicopters would support all of these patrols if they found a suspect target. Whole villages were often raised to the ground to stop a couple of Vietcong members or supporters. The Vietcong used a similar tactic called ‘Find and Kill', although this was conceptually the same as ‘search and destroy' it was much more successful. One reason for this was that the USA soldiers wore uniforms, therefore it was easier to recognize who the troops was. Another reason was that the USA soldiers had to contend with Vietcong mines and traps. America also used â€Å"Fire Zones†, where a village was warned that they were going to be destroyed by leaflet drops or by word of mouth etc. anyone then found on the area after a specific time was either shot, napalmed, or pineapple bombed which is a single bomb that would explode into thousands of tiny fibreglass balls, so they couldn't be picked up by x – ray. In another attempt to stop the Vietcong Operation Ranch Hand was used, planes would drop chemicals (agent blue) that would destroy crops, the idea being to starve the Vietcong but unfortunately it just turned more of the peasants against the USA. One USA success was the Tet Offensive. The Vietcong used conventional warfare. It was a disaster and was the closest the US ever came to victory. However it was nowhere near enough to win the war for the US. The USA campaign suffered further after the ‘My Lai' massacre. This was when the USA attacked a small village in Vietnam. Its 700 inhabitants were made up mostly of the elderly people, women and children. The soldiers were ordered to kill all the inhabitants in cold blood and burn the village to the ground. The USA appeared cold and heartless with no regard for human life. When the USA press got hold of the story the American public was shocked and the war became even less popular. Particularly so as it was revealed that most of the inhabitants of My Lai were not in fact Vietcong. By the late 60's America became desperate, and decided to employ a much-feared and unpopular tactic, the use of chemical weapons. These weapons included napalm and Agent Orange, which stripped the land bare, making guerrilla tactics harder to carry out. However the use of such weapons produced some horrific injuries and pictures, which the press thrived upon, there were already several active peace movements in America. The US made a terrible mistake in allowing them to be covered by the press. The Vietcong were party to some terrible atrocities, but because they never allowed themselves to be followed into battle these were never seen. The media portrayal of the war was a major factor, as it is n any modern war. Already horrific stories and pictures are sensationalized, and can influence people almost totally. By 1967 the career soldiers had almost all been used and so the government introduced conscription. This meant that many soldiers were there against their will and wanted only to finish their tour of duty. They started to care less and less about winning the war as they were more occupied with staying alive. Consequently the morale suffered, ragging occurred more often for unpopular commands. The Vietcong on the other hand were highly motivated, they were fighting for a cause they believed in, and were there on their own free will, even women were allowed and willing to fight. As the war went on they became more confident, better armed and trained. This led to the â€Å"Tet Offensive†. On the January 31st, 1968, more than 70, 000 Vietcong launched an attack on more than a hundred cities and towns. I Saigon they managed to enter the US Embassy building and kill 5 marines, and take over a local radio station. In military terms the Americans won, an estimated 37,000 Vietcong soldiers were killed compared to the 2,500 American troops, but it proved to the soldiers and the American public that the Vietcong had an inexhaustible supply of people and that the Americans would not win the war.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Asses the Contribution of Functionalism to Our Understanding Essay

Functionalist views are based on that society is a system of interdependent parts held together by a shared culture or consensus. They believe that every part of society performs functions that help keep society running effectively. They use the example of a body to explain the way society runs as each part of our body has to work together in order for us to stay alive this is the same as society according to a functionalist. Education according to Emilie Durkheim (1903) consists of two main functions, creating social solidarity and teaching specialist skills. Social solidarity is the sense of being part of a group or society. Functionalists believe this is key to making education run accordingly as without social solidarity people would only self indulge in their own desires. Education helps to create social solidarity as it helps transmit societies culture, beliefs and values from ‘generation to generation‘keeping society running correspondingly. Schools also act in preparing children for society in real life by teaching the concepts of working together with people you do not always no. his links with working as in work you have to work coherently with people who you will not know. Specialist skills are having the necessary skills to perform their role in education to the ‘bride way’ towards working life. Education helps children prepare for this through teaching children in different a range of subjects which they will then come to specialise in the subjects they are good in which will in turn help them earn mon ey in society in later life. Education also according to functionalists gives all children an equal opportunity to develop on their own individual talents also known as meritocracy which is achieving through your own effort. Davis and Moore (1945) argue that education sorts children into their future educational roles by sorting their ‘aptitudes’ and ‘abilities’ which also links to social solidarity as to do certain jobs you need the necessary qualification and experience. However there are criticisms of functionalists and education. Melvin Tumin (1953) put forward a circular argument and criticises David and Moore by putting forward such questions as ‘how do we know what job is more important? ’ answer ‘because it’s highly Rewarded’ and why are some jobs higher rewarded than others? ’ answer ‘because they are more important’. Marxists believe that society only transmits the ideology of the ruling class therefore it disadvantages the working classes in education. One example is that Marxists prepare the working class for there jobs through education therefore it is only transmitting values of the ruling class. Also Marxists believe that the state is controlled by the ruling classes who transmit the ideology state apparatus which is that it maintains control through controlling people’s ideas, values and beliefs through religion, mass media and the education system. This criticises the functionalist view as social solidarity is meant to transmit these values and beliefs which according to Marxists are only means to control the working class. Meritocracy according to Marxists is a myth as we are controlled by the higher classes and we cannot achieve our status we ascribe our status. Another big criticism of functionalism in education is that functionalists believe that everybody at school behaves and accepts all that is taught when this is not the true case. It does not explain why some people come to fail examinations if everybody works in a general ‘consensus’. Dennis Wrong (1961) refers to this as ‘puppets in society’. The new right believe that the state fails to prepare the young for work as the state discourages choice and competition. Another disadvantage is that functionalists cannot explain under-achievement and inequality of opportunity in education. In conclusion Functionalism has a good general understanding of Education but it has quite obvious flaws as not everybody is going to get on in society so it is impossible to have a general consensus. Also the disadvantages of Functionalism in education seem to out weigh the positives therefore functionalism does not give a real positive understanding of education.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Learning Styles Inventory

LEARNING STYLES INVENTORY The report is the outcome of the project titled â€Å"Learning Styles Inventory† . This project report aims to determine the learning Styles of the employees and also to develop a learning styles Inventory. The management can better understand their faculty and environment, conduct effective and productive meetings, refine conflict resolution skills and assemble more effective teams. India, one of the strongest contenders for the leadership in the Global IT industry, is fast emerging as the â€Å"New† leader, especially in the â€Å"New Economy† services such as Software Development, IT Services and Business Process Outsourcing services. KGFSL, an acclaimed Information Technology (IT) consulting company catering to clients globally has always focused on leveraging new technologies in a proven, cost-effective fashion by the way of developing quality employees. Everybody has a preferred learning style. Knowing and understanding the learning style helps one to learn more effectively. Through identifying the learning style, one will be able to capitalize on his strengths and improve the self-advocacy skills. Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory which teaches many aspects of human intelligence, learning style, personality and behaviour – in education and industry forms the major input for the study. The study was conducted with a sample of 80 employees of the company,who were actually involved in developing the financial business solution softwares . The sample represented the entire population . The researcher collected primary data from the respondents by means of questionnaire. The Questionnaire is divided into three parts namely, ‘Personal variables’, ‘Training programs’, and ‘Learning Styles’. Multiple Intelligence questionnaire was completed by the respondents and their scores as Visual, Aural, Linguistic, Kinesthetic, Logical, Solitary and Social learners were recorded. The topic Learning Styles Inventory is relevant for modern era. People have preferences about how they like to learn (learning style). This learning preferences sometimes account for problems in learning. The problem may not be entirely due to their learning style but also due to their previous experience. From the cohort of employees of KGFSL it was found that Visual, Aural and Logical Intelligences were dominant with them. Also a high degree of correlation is found to exist between the Visual and Social intelligences. Hence it is suggested that the training materials emphasis on interaction coupled with pictorial and diagrammatic representations, multimedia applications utilising sounds and music and procedural flow of concepts need to be incorporated while designing the training materials to exploit the available human talent. LEARNING STYLES INVENTORY A learning style is the method of learning, particular to an individual that is presumed to allow that individual to learn best or Learning styles are simply different approaches or ways of learning. It is commonly believed that most people favor some particular method of interacting with, taking in, and processing stimuli or information. Based on this concept, the idea of individualized â€Å"learning styles† originated in the 1970s, and has gained popularity in recent years. Learning style Inventory(LSI) will provide details of different learning preferences and to determine a student’s learning style. The LSI diagnoses an individual’s preferences and needs regarding the learning process. It does the following: 1) Allows students to designate how they like to learn and indicates how consistent their responses are 2) Provides a foundation upon which teachers can build in interacting with students 3) Provides possible strategies for accommodating learning styles 4) Provides for student involvement in the learning process 5) Provides a class summary so students with similar learning styles can be grouped together. Everyone has a mix of learning styles. We each learn and process information in different ways. Some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles. Others may find that they use different styles in different circumstances. There is no right mix. Nor are the styles fixed. The learning style of one may have more influence than he may realize. Using multiple learning styles and â€Å"multiple intelligences† for learning is a relatively new approach. Multiple Intelligences Theory posits that there are seven ways people understand in the world, described by Dr. Howard Earl Gardner in 1983 as seven core intelligences. It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I. Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes seven different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults. Types Of Multiple Intelligence : Visual (spatial) intelligence – prefers using pictures, images, and spatial understanding. Aural (auditory-musical) intelligence – prefers using sound and music. Verbal (linguistic) intelligence – prefers using words, both in speech and writing. Physical (kinesthetic) intelligence – prefers using your body, hands and sense of touch. Logical (mathematical) intelligence – prefers using logic, reasoning and systems. Social (interpersonal) intelligence – prefers to learn in groups or with other people. Solitary (intrapersonal) intelligence – prefers to work alone and use self-study. According to Gardner, intelligence is much more than IQ because a high IQ in the absence of productivity does not equate to intelligence. In his definition, â€Å"Intelligence is a biopsychological potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture†. The visual (spatial) learning style – Picture Smart The visual style learners, prefer using images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize information and communicate with others to retain information. They can easily visualize objects, plans and outcomes in their mind’s eye. They also has a good spatial sense, which gives them a good sense of direction. They can easily find their way around using maps, and rarely get lost. When they walk out of an elevator, they instinctively know which way to turn. Learning strengths : =; Remembers what they read and write. ; Enjoys visual projects and presentations. =; Can remember diagrams, charts, maps well. =; Understands information best when they SEE it. Traits : =; Prefers to see words written down =; When something is being described, the visual learner also prefers to have a picture to view. =; Prefers a time-line or some other similar diagram to remember historical events. =; Prefers written instructions rather than verbal i nstructions. =; Observes all the physical elements in a classroom. =; Carefully organizes their learning materials. ; Enjoys decorating their learning areas. =; Prefers photographs and illustrations with printed content. =; Remembers and understands through the use of diagrams, charts and maps. =; Appreciates presentations using OHP transparencies or handouts. =; Studies materials by reading notes and organizing it in outline form =; Enjoys visual art activities The aural (auditory-musical-rhythmic) learning style – Music smart These musically inclined learners think in sounds, rhythms and patterns. They immediately respond to music either appreciating or criticizing what they hear. They have a good sense of pitch and rhythm. They typically can sing, play a musical instrument, or identify the sounds of different instruments. Certain music invokes strong emotions. They notice the music playing in the background of movies, TV shows and other media. They often find themselves humming or tapping a song or jingle, or a theme or jingle pops into their head without prompting. Learning strengths: =; Remembers what they hear and say. =; Enjoys classroom and small-group discussion. =; Can remember oral instructions well. =; Understands information best when they HEAR it. Traits: =; Remembers what they say and what others say very well. =; Remembers best through verbal repetition and by saying things aloud. =; Prefers to discuss ideas they do not immediately understand. =; Remembers verbal instructions well. =; Enjoys the opportunities to present dramatically, including the use of music. =; Finds it difficult to work quietly for long periods of time. =; Easily distracted by noise, but also easily distracted by silence. =; Verbally expresses interest and enthusiasm. =; Enjoys class and group discussions. The physical (bodily-kinesthetic) learning style – Body smart Kinesthetic learners learn through , moving, doing and touching. If the physical style is more like them, it’s likely that they use their body and sense of touch to learn about the world around them. They would prefer to pull an engine apart and put it back together, rather than reading or looking at diagrams about how it works. They have the ability to control body movements and handle objects skillfully. These learners express themselves through movement. They have a good sense of balance and eye-hand co-ordination. (e. . ball play, balancing beams). Through interacting with the space around them, they are able to remember and process information. Learning strengths: =; Remembers what they DO, what they experience with their hands or bodies (movement and touch). =; Enjoys using tools or lessons which involve active/practical participation. =; Can remember how to do things after they've done them once (motor memory). => Have good motor coordination. Traits => Remembers what they DO very well. => Remembers best through getting physically involved in whatever is being learnt. > Enjoys acting out a situation relevant to the study topic. => Enjoys making and creating. => Enjoys the opportunities to build and physically handle learning materials. => Will take notes to keep busy but will not often use them. => Enjoys using computers. => Physically expresses interest and enthusiasm by getting active and excited. => Has trouble staying still or in one place for a long time. => Enjoys hands-on activities. => Tends to want to fiddle with small objects while listening or working. => Tends to want to eat snacks while studying. The verbal (linguistic) learning style – Word Smart Linguistic learners find it easy to express themselves, both in writing and verbally. They love reading and writing. They like playing on the meaning or sound of words, such as in tongue twisters, rhymes, limericks and the like. They know the meaning of many words, and regularly make an effort to find the meaning of new words. They use the words, as well as phrases that the other person have picked up recently, when talking to others. The logical (mathematical) learning style – Logic Smart Logical learners like using their brain for logical and mathematical reasoning. They can recognize patterns easily, as well as connections between seemingly meaningless content. They can classify and group information to help so that they can learn or understand it. The logical learners work well with numbers and can perform complex calculations. They remember the basics of trigonometry and algebra, and can do moderately complex calculations in their head. They typically work through problems and issues in a systematic way, and like to create procedures for future use. They are happy setting numerical targets and budgets, and track their progress towards these. They like creating agendas, itineraries, and to-do lists, and typically number and rank them before putting them into action. These learners ask lots of questions and like to do experiments. The social (interpersonal) learning style – People smart If one has a strong social style, he communicates well with people, both verbally and non-verbally. People listen to these learners or come to them for advice, and they are sensitive to their motivations, feelings or moods. They listen well and understand other’s views and may enjoy mentoring or counseling others. The social learners typically prefer learning in groups or classes, or like to spend much one-on-one time with a teacher or an instructor. They heighten their learning by bouncing their thoughts off other people and listening to how they respond. They prefer to work through issues, ideas and problems with a group. They thoroughly enjoy working with a â€Å"clicking† or synergistic group of people. The people smart prefer to stay around after class and talk with others. They prefer social activities, rather than doing their own thing. They typically like games that involve other people, such as card games and board games. The same applies to team sports such as football or soccer, basketball, baseball, volleyball, baseball and hockey. These social learners are great organizers, although they sometimes resort to manipulation. Generally they try to maintain peace in group settings and encourage co-operation. They use both verbal (e. g. speaking) and non-verbal language (e. g. eye contact, body language) to open communication channels with others. The solitary (intrapersonal) learning style – Self Smart Solitary learners are more private, introspective and independent. They can concentrate well, focusing their thoughts and feelings on their current topic. They are aware of their own thinking, and may analyze the different ways they think and feel. They spend time on self-analysis, and often reflect on past events and the way they approached them. They take time to ponder and assess their own accomplishments or challenges. They keep a journal, diary or personal log to record their personal thoughts and events. The self smart like to spend time alone and have a personal hobby. They prefer traveling or holidaying in remote or places, away from crowds. They feel that they know themself and think independently. They may have attended self-development workshops, read self-help books or used other methods to develop a deeper understanding of themself. These solitary learners prefer to work on problems by retreating to somewhere quiet and working through possible solutions. They may sometimes spend too much time trying to solve a problem that they could more easily solve by talking to someone. They feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction if they don’t know their current direction in life. Inshort the self smart have the ability to self-reflect and be aware of one's inner state of being. These learners try to understand their inner feelings, dreams, relationships with others, and strengths and weaknesses. As per the multiple intelligence theory these learning styles provide absolutely pivotal and inescapable indication as to people's preferred learning styles, as well as their behavioural and working styles, and their atural strengths. The types of intelligence that a person possesses (Gardner suggests most of us are strong in three types) indicates not only a persons capabilities, but also the manner or method in which they prefer to learn and develop their strengths – and also to develop their weaknesses. The pressure of possible failure and being forced to act and think unnaturally, have a significant negative influence on learning effectiveness. Happy relaxed people learn more readily than unhappy stressful people. Develop people through their strengths and we not only stimulate their development – we also make them happy (because everyone enjoys working in their strength areas) – and we also grow their confidence and lift their belief (because they see they are doing well, and they get told they are doing well too). Developing a person's strengths will increase their response to the learning experience, which helps them to develop their weaknesses as well as their strengths The different intelligences – in Gardner's context are not a measure or reflection of emotion type. Intelligences are emotionally neutral. No type of intelligence is in itself an expression of happiness or sadness; nor an expression of feeling good or bad. In the same way, the multiple intelligences are morally neutral too. No type of intelligence is intrinsically right or wrong. In other words intelligences are amoral, that is, neither moral nor immoral – irrespective of a person's blend of intelligences Intelligences are separate to the good or bad purposes to which people apply whatever intelligences they possess and use. Intelligences are not in themselves good or bad. People possess a set of intelligences – not just one type and level of intelligence. The primary driver of Gardner's thinking is the fact, or assertion, that intelligence is not a single scalable aspect of a person's style and capability. Historically, and amazingly a perception that still persists among many people and institutions and systems today, intelligence was/is thought to be measurable on a single scale: a person could be judged – supposedly – to have a high or low or average intelligence; or a person would be considered ‘intelligent or ‘unintelligent'. Gardener has demonstrated that this notion is ridiculous. Intelligence is a mixture of several abilities (Gardner explains seven intelligences, and alludes to others) that are all of great value in life. But nobody's good at them all. In life we need people who collectively are good at different things. A well-balanced world, and well-balanced organisations and teams, are necessarily comprised of people who possess different mixtures of intelligences. This gives the group a fuller collective capability than a group of identically able specialists. By the same token a person who struggles with language and numbers might easily be an excellent sportsman, or musician, or artist. Many very successful business-people were judged to be failures at school. They were of course judged according to a very narrow definition of what constitutes intelligence. Each one of us has a unique and different mix of intelligence types, and commonly the people with the least ‘conventional' intelligence actually possess enormous talent – often under-valued, unknown and under-developed. Gardner pointed out that managing people and organising a unique mixture of intelligence types is a hugely challenging affair. Gardner said that one should not judge and develop people (especially children, young people, and people at the beginnings of their careers) according to an arbitrary and narrow definition of intelligence. We must instead rediscover and promote the vast range of capabilities that have a value in life and organisations, and then set about valuing people for who they are, what they can be, and helping them to grow and fulfill their potential. The seven intelligences are a bloody good first step towards valuing and developing people in a more compassionate and constructive way. One of the most remarkable features of the theory of multiple intelligences is how it provides seven different potential pathways to learning. If a teacher is having difficulty reaching a student in the more traditional linguistic or logical ways of instruction, the theory of multiple intelligences suggests several other ways in which the material might be presented to facilitate effective learning. The theory of multiple intelligences has strong implications for adult learning and development. Many adults find themselves in jobs that do not make optimal use of their most highly developed intelligences (for example, the highly bodily-kinesthetic individual who is stuck in a linguistic or logical desk-job when he or she would be much happier in a job where they could move around, such as a recreational leader, a forest ranger, or physical therapist). The theory of multiple intelligences gives adults a whole new way to look at their lives, examining potentials that they left behind in their childhood (such as a love for art or drama) but now have the pportunity to develop through courses, hobbies, or other programs of self-development. The seven intelligences are measurable, we know what they are, what they mean, and we can evidence or illustrate them. However the potential additional human capabilities, perceptions and attunements, are highly subjective and complex, and arguably contain many overlapping aspects. Criticisms: The theory has been widely criticized in the psycho logy and educational theory communities. The most common criticisms are, ? Gardner's theory is based on his own intuition rather than empirical data and that the intelligences are just other names for talents or personality types. ?Intellectual relativism: People have differing abilities within these types of intelligences. Albert Einstein and a person who is good at mathematics both display logical-mathematical intelligence, but at no point does the theory say that all people with the logical-mathematical intelligence are equally intelligent. Despite these criticisms, the theory has enjoyed a great deal of popularity amongst educators over the past twenty years. Multiple Intelligence theory served as a base for the development of the questionnaire on learning syles. The Questionnaire is divided into three parts namely, ‘Personal variables’, ‘Training programs’, and ‘Learning Styles’. Based on the details elicited an Inventory of learning styles is made. Deciding on the learning styles will provide for the proper development of the training content. This content when matched with the learning preference of the target it will contribute to the success of the training program. Furthermore tips for Trainers is also given. Learning styles are simply different approaches or ways of learning. It is commonly believed that most people favor some particular method of interacting with, taking in, and processing stimuli or information. Through identifying the learning style, one will be able to capitalize on his strengths and improve the self-advocacy skills. The need to retrain during the career has increased over the past 20 years. As economies and job roles change faster and faster, the ability to learn well, adapt to change and stay mentally healthy has an increasing importance n the future employment & livelihood. Most employees have elements of more than one learning style. It may be useful for the employees to think about their strongest style and weakest style to identify how they learn. By thinking about their preferred style, they can try and apply this to learning new things. If they are able to use their natural style, they may find learning much easier and quicker. Knowing the learning style may help the employees to develop coping strategies to compensate for the weaknesses and capitalise on strengths. It can no longer be assumed that all employees will achieve by being taught the same way, and consequently new teaching practices are required. The interchange between tutee and tutor plays a vital role in the dynamics of a session. Because of this, it is very important that the tutor uses appropriate and varied tutoring techniques. BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS ?A. K. Sah, Systems Approach to Training and Development,Sultan Chand And Sons , Reprint 1992, pp 135-145. ?Ahwathappa. K. , Human Resource Management and personnel Management,Edition 2002,pp 408-421. Anthony Landale, Training and Development-A complete handbook, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, First edition-2004, pp 47,48,67-72. ?C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology ,New age International Publishers, Reprint edition 2006, pp 2 -3, 258-270. ?E. D. Setty, A Practical handbook on Training, Himalaya Publishing House,First edition-2003, pp 42-56,171-180. ?John Braton,Gold Human Resource Management, MacMillan, Edition 1994,pp 666-678. ?Martyn Soloman, A Handbook for Training Strategy, Mohit Publications, First edition-2001, pp 32-38. ?P. L. Rao, HRD Through in-house Training, TATA Mc. GrawHill, First edition-1995,pp 163-174. ?Sumathi Reddy, Training and Development Trends and experience, Himalaya publishing House, First edition-2003, pp 123-138. ?T. V. Rao, Readings in HRD, Mohit Publications, Fourth edition-2003, pp 142-149. ?Udai Pareek, Training Instrument in HRD and OD, New Age International Publishers, Second edition-2003,pp 351-354. ?Vijaya Kumari kaushik, S. R. Sharma, Education and Human Resource development, Sultan Chand and Sons, Reprint-2004,pp 284-297. ?Wendell L. French, Human resource development, Houghton Mittlin Company Boston, New Jersey, 1990, pp 326-331. JOURNALS Colleen Aalsburg Wiessner, Tim Hatcher, Diane Chapman, Julia Storberg-Walker,† Creating new learning at professional conferences: an innovative approach to conference learning, knowledge construction and programme evaluation†, Human Resource Development International, Volume 11, Issue 4 September 2008 , pages 367 – 383. ?David McGuire, Thomas N. Garavan, David O'Donne ll,Sudhir K. Saha, Maria Cseh,â€Å"Managers' personal values as predictors of importance attached to training and development: a cross-country exploratory study†, Human Resource Development International, Volume 11, Issue 4 September 2008 , pages 335 – 350 Steven Eric Krauss, Khaw Ai Guat , † An exploration of factors influencing workplace learning†, Human Resource Development International, Volume 11, Issue 4 September 2008 , pages 417 – 426 ? Yahn-Shir Chen, Bao-Guang Chang, Chia-Chi Lee ,†The association between continuing professional education and financial performance of firms†, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Volume 19, Issue 9 September 2008 , pages 1720 – 1737. WEBSITES ?MargaretC. Lohman,http://books. google. co. n/books? id=FueGlAOAM9IC&pg=PA118&lpg=PA118&dq=factors+affecting+learning+styles&source=bl&ots=FJHLBiCAdd&sig=PAggcKGlja0C1NN3YYZSo1sB_o8&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=7&ct=result#PPA1 19,M1 ? Bethany R. Hartshorn, Dante R. Hill, and Dominique F. Keaton , http://www. learning -styles-online. com/inventory/ ? Colin P West and Tait D Shanafelt, http://www. dominican. edu/query/ncur /display_ncur . php? id=3159 ? French W. L , http://www3. interscience. wiley. com/journal/119534767 ? Paulet &

Obesity - empowerment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Obesity - empowerment - Essay Example Many transactional foodstuff organizations are swarming in the international market which offers inexpensive food with no nutrients. The mega markets are influencing people towards bulk purchase of convenience food which suit their lifestyle. The healthy food has become more costly compared to unhealthy foodstuff. The increasing rate of marketing activities of foodstuff that focuses upon children make them wish for food containing high calorie, sugar and fat (Shah, 2010). For children, obesity possesses a great threat because it can result in heart syndrome, high cholesterol as well as high level of blood pressure. The obese kids have 70% probability to become overweight adults. It is not a superficial issue anymore. The obesity nowadays is cursing the young generations (Cochran, 2008). The empowerment enthusiasts have thought to prevent and reduce the children obesity. Empowerment is described as a technique to inspire people or develop self–esteem thinking among them. Throug h empowerment a person can gain control over the obesity problem. It is educated by the effects of individual requirement and mutual effect. Empowerment can be of three types. The psychological empowerment can rise with the development of self– understanding.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Kahlo vs. Duchamp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Kahlo vs. Duchamp - Essay Example Religious figures were not prominent in her paintings, although several paintings suggest a spiritual side of Kahlo, in which death and its relationship to life are explored. Likewise, Duchamp, being a total iconoclast and a card-carrying member of the Futurist mode of art, eschewed tradition, and, because there is no institution more traditional then religion, Duchamp also did not overtly make religious art. However, like Kahlo, he did make art that can be interpreted in a religious way, even if these paintings are non-representational, non-traditional and make commentary on religions that are in line with his non-traditional, Futurist ways. Religion and Frida Kahlo Kahlo, as explained above, was not overtly religious in her paintings, however, their symbolism does suggest a type of religious sensibility. Such is the way that Herrara (1983) describes The Broken Column.1 Painted after Kahlo suffered a serious accident at the age of 18, in which Kahlo was riding in a wooden bus that c ollided with a streetcar. Kahlo was impaled with an iron handrail, and, for the first month after the accident, it was not certain that she would live. For many months after that, Frida lay immobilized in plaster casts and other contraptions, her spinal column broken in three places, along with her collarbone, right leg, pelvis, and right foot (Herrera, 1983). The Broken Column was Frida's response to this tragedy, and, on the surface, its meaning is clear - Frida was broken inside. The painting showed an outside of perfection and beauty firm, taut breasts, perfect brown skin, long, flowing hair and a youthful face. However, the opening in the body that shows the steel-plated spine, and the fact that she is shown corseted, tells the true story. Frida was severely injured, and this painting literally shows her injuries. Moreover, the expression on her face, defiant and proud, shows that world that Frida is not about to give up in the face of pain and anguish. The steel spine, while e mblematic of the accident, may also literally mean that her spine was steeled, in the sense that she is strong and will not give up. Therefore, a literal interpretation of this painting is of a defiant woman who was broken but not bowed. However, Herrara (1983) states that the painting has a religious symbolism as well. Herrara states that the corsets are evocative of Christ's winding sheet, which ties this painting in with traditional Christian symbolism (Herrara, 1983). The implication for this is clear, in that Kahlo's suffering and pain were somehow transcendent, in that they have made her a martyr, much like earlier Christians. After all, Kahlo got into painting because of the accident Frida stated that, after the accident, she had to keep still, which led her into painting - ?ithout paying much attention, I began to paint, because, after the accident, she was ?ored as hell with a plaster cast, so I decided to do something. I stole from my father some oil paints, and my mother ordered for me a special easel because I couldn't sit [up], and I started to paint(Herrara, 1983). Frida's accident, and the pain and suffering which came after it, was necessary for Frida to find her artistic voice and give to the world her gift. Therefore, like Christ before her, Frida had to suffer pain and sacrifice for the good of the world. Because of this, Herrara saw The Broken Column as Frida's imagery which evokes a Christian martyr, and spiritual suffering. The painting takes on a religious significance that,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Paraphrase the answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Paraphrase the answers - Essay Example The project’s compatibility with various platforms is taken into consideration in this phase. This focuses on all the financial aspects of the project. Operational and development expenditures are assessed in order to establish the feasibility of the project and to ensure that everything runs according to the budget as well as cost competitors. The time available for project completion and project delivery are of primary concern. The analysis of time frame and project delivery is done in accordance with the project’s timeline and development time. The purpose of this project is to provide the users with various online services. The investigation was mainly conducted by the project manager with the assistance of other people. The aim of the project is to aide patients in choosing their preferred doctors as well as initiate and get appointments online. This system executes various activities of patients and also protects how doctors work. The system permits patients or users to easily identify doctors’ schedule, which helps them to settle for suitable appointment dates with the doctors. After a patient or user gets an appointment, the system then generates a tracking key that can be used in the future. The patient also gets a nod from the system upon getting an appointment. Doctors and other medical staff also have the chance to access the schedules and alter them as they deem fit. The project’s scope is to define various dimensions of the project requirements. It assess if all the project requirements have been met and explains how the system intends to operate and its security features. The login areas for doctors and patients are separate. After intensive review, my conclusion is that the system works in accordance with the users’ requirements and the entire system operations remain within the project scope. The total estimated project cost is $3500, which incorporates

Friday, July 26, 2019

Migration between European countries and their former colonies Term Paper

Migration between European countries and their former colonies - Term Paper Example For migrants, there are rules that they were supposed to follow when in the nations they moved to in which they will also be discussed in the main paper. Generally. This paper will explain migration of the Europeans and their former colonies in details. Introduction Migration refers to the physical movement of individuals from one region to another. This paper will examine the migration between the Europeans countries and their former colonies. In this case, the form of migration undertaken is known as international migration. This refers to the movement of individuals across national borders with the view of remaining in the guest nation for at least one year. This means that citizens of various European countries moved from their motherlands, crossing the borders of other nations to settle there. There are various reasons as to why this migration took place and this is among the issues that will be discussed in the main body of the paper. The research that was carried out to find o ut the reasons why this migration was undertaken and various methodologies were implemented to make the research effective. The methodologies implemented in the research process will also be discussed in the main body of the paper to clearly show implementations used to gather the findings that were reached at the end. After the research, full information is gathered making it possible for the researchers to know why the European countries migrated to other nations and the impacts of this process. In this case, the impacts will also be put into consideration and discussed in details in the paper. These are generally the issues that this paper wishes to discuss in order to provide information of why how and the results of the migration process between the European counties and their former colonies. Literature review Research shows that the European region exhibited two different forms of migration patterns in the twentieth century. Within the first fifty years, Europe was involved i n emigration towards the New World, while the second half of the twentieth century involved immigration patterns. Immigration refers to the movement of people into a different nation in order to have their new settlement schemes there. This gives a clear impression that there are some of the European county citizens who moved to other nations for the purpose of settling there. Coleman explains that the diverse migration movements were undertaken due to a variety of factors. The factors that led to these migration movements include: termination of the cold war, the consolidation of Germany, decolonization, wars and political suppression and the considerable demand of law and unskilled laborers. These reasons give a clear impression that there are many factors that contributed to the migration movements of the European countries. They undertook this practice in order to avoid some problems and make their living standards better by settling in other areas (Coleman 54). The current migr ation movement pattern by the Europeans is due to different factors. These factors include: declining populations due to the higher number of ageing people compared to young people. This gives a clear impression that the economy of the various nations where movements take place has low development rates. This is major because the young people who are energetic enough to provide the required labor force for the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Government Spending and Taxation, Lessons from the Great Depression Essay

Government Spending and Taxation, Lessons from the Great Depression and The Economics of Social Security - Essay Example 1447- 1448)1. Keynes’s theory advocates that higher government spending and curtailment in taxes could be helpful in counteracting the depression (Kindleberger 1986, p. 24)3. There is no mutual agreement on the idea of what were the main causes of the Great Depression of the USA. Reviewing its core nature, many believe that the severe contraction in early 1930s and later its slow recovery represent that fiscal policy had a minor role in this phenomena. Thinkers have come to this conclusion through theoretical and empirical studies of that period. Theorists say that even though federal government spending had risen considerably, it was not high enough to have a greater impact on the overall economy (Brown 1956, pp. 860 - 861). On the contrary, few economists believe that fiscal policy played a vital role in the emergence of the Great Depression (McGrattan 2011, p 1)4. One of the most prominent changes in fiscal policy at that time was a sharp surge in taxes rates on the incomes of individuals which encompass corporate dividends. Hovering taxes is one of the worst measures that government take to overcome crisis which makes the situation even worse. Increasing tax rates leave less money for consumers to spend and hence under this situation Federal Reserve suggests the government to refrain from this approach (Taylor 2002, p. 3). The Great Depression which left many people out of pocket and discontented, ended up with the idea of social security that called for the government to take up the responsibility of economic security of its citizens. The New Deal provided people with the Social Security system in which employees give their contribution through taxes while they are on job to secure their future in economic term. The statistics displayed in this particular representative form specifically imply that during the great depression i.e. around 1932 Private sector investments were the lowest hence taxation

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Stakeholder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Stakeholder - Essay Example Without a clear consensus on how to define a stakeholder, the essential question that most definitions attempt to answer is, ‘What is a stake?’ The two definitions above certainly represent a contrast in broad versus narrow viewpoints of stakeholders. With Clarkson’s (1995) narrow perspective, a distinction can be made between stakeholders that voluntarily or involuntarily bear some form of risk. Voluntary stakeholders are those that bear risk based on an investment of either capital, human, or financial value in a firm. Involuntary stakeholders are at risk due to the activities of the firm. The common element between both types of stakeholders is risk, and without risk there is no stake (Mitchell et al., 1997). In the broader definition offered by Freeman (1984), the list of possible stakeholders is so expansive that it could include almost anyone or any entity. Diverse groups such as suppliers, community, industry, local government, neighbors, lobby groups, labor unions, and the natural environment have been included as stakeholders under this broad definition. The broadness of this definition (i.e. â€Å"can effect or is affected by†) allows the stake to be either unidirectional or bidirectional, and there is no requirement for reciprocal action as in a contract or with a relationship (Mitchell et al., 1997). From the critical perspective, Freeman’s definition (1984) is so broad that it would include everyone or every entity, except those with no power to affect the firm and have no relationship to the firm. The claim that a stakeholder is â€Å"any group or individual who can effect, or is affected by, the achievement of an organisation’s objectives† (Freeman, 1984: 46) is so broad that it is not falsifiable. In contrast, Clarkson’s definition (1995) uses risk to represent some form of legitimate claim

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Financial Derivative Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Financial Derivative - Literature review Example Experts state that market reactions are caused due to market reactions (Blanco, Brennan and Marsh, 2005). It is expected that default rates on bonds are possible due to market volatility, and as a result the cost of protection gets inflated on the bond values. The credit derivative markets during such a period had overreacted causing a contagion effect. The close relationship existing between the bond and CDS paves way towards the issue of estimating which market has the lead in the price discovery (Hull, Predescu and White, 2004). If the CDS market is leading, then it is expected that the bond market would adjust itself. In case, if the bond market is leading then the CDS market would simply follow the suit. Most researchers have opined that the impact of CDS upon the bond market is higher than that of the bond market upon the CDS. Innovations which occur in the CDS market are seen to spill over to the bond market. However, changes in the bond market impacts the CDS market in a much slower manner (Longstaff, Mithal and Neis, 2005). Nevertheless, during the crisis scenario it is seen that the influence of the CDS market upon the bond values is significantly slow and lees powerful as other market situations also impact the movement of the bond values. The relation between the two markets can be ascertained using statistical measures (Zhang, H. Zhou and H. Zhu, 2009). The main objective of the CDS derivative instrument is to cover the investor’s loss if the borrower fails to repay. Hence, both CDS and the bond depend upon the same determinants which are the probability of default on behalf of the borrower, the expected rate of recovery and the factors of risk aversion (Lipton and Sepp, 2009). Although the bond and the CDS market are interrelated deeply, their spreads are never the same. This can be understood through the statistical analysis of the spread. In a portfolio

Analysis of the Company Diet Coke Plus Assignment - 14

Analysis of the Company Diet Coke Plus - Assignment Example This did not help, as the taste was not appealing to the target group that comprises of young men. Coca-Cola Blak, which has the coffee essence, was appreciated by older men but not pleasing to the young men. The company also made Full Throttle Blue Demon that is appealing to Hispanic men but according to past research, men between 18-34 years were abandoning Coca-Cola brands since none was appealing to them (Lamb, Joseph, and Carl, 33). This led to the introduction of Coke Zero that young men have embraced in Australia. The introduction of Coke Zero will reduce the consumption of Diet Coke Plus and Diet Coke since most men will start consuming it. This will lead to huge losses from these brands and female customers may start consuming it. The hidden cameras used to advertise Coke Zero would have made Diet Coke Plus more appealing than and that was used. I do not think that Diet Coke could have been repositioned to change customers’ perspective since its brand name is fixed in men that it is for women.   To change this perception, the company had to form another name and change the bottle color just to end the men’s mentality.

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Website Review on the American Cultural History 1960-1969 Webpage Essay Example for Free

A Website Review on the American Cultural History 1960-1969 Webpage Essay Kingwood College Librarys American Cultural History 1960-1969 webpage (http://kclibrary. nhmccd. edu/decade60. html) is a webpage dedicated to the dessemination of information regarding the 1960s. It dubs itself a web and library guide, and is hosted and managed by the Kingwood College Library, an educational organization in Kingwood, Texas. Its stated purpose is to â€Å"help the user gain a broad understanding and appreciation for the culture and history of the 1960s† (Goodwin, para. 2). The site itself is authored by Susan Goodwin. Unfortunately, no information in the site listed Ms. Goodwins credentials, and checking the Kingwood College Library for any information regarding the author proved futile as well. The webpage is primarily aimed for the general public, with information that is collected and compiled from different sources which are mostly official or scholarly in nature (some information, however, are linked from Wikipedia, a source generally not accepted by the academia). As such, the information can be considered valid and true, and is presented clearly and matter-of-factly, without any embellishments or personal views and opinions, and without any technical jargon that may confuse the lay reader. At the start of the page, the reader is immediately treated to a fact sheet of the decade, with hard facts about the population, the national debt, and the average salary, among others. Information is also placed in major categories, providing a coherent and easy to follow structure to the whole article. Since content is generally collected from the various sites off the internet and books, information and content ranges from the common to the not-so-common, but all are generally interesting and well-presented. Most of the major points are presented as links which redirect to another website discussing that particular subject matter. This is where most of the webpages problems lie, as a significant number of links (25, to be exact) are either broken or non-existing, redirecting the reader to the main site instead. One of the links even redirects to the wrong article. For an information-driven webpage run by an educational organization, such mistakes reflect poorly on the structure and management of the webpage itself. Another thing some people (especially researchers wanting complete information) might have an issue with is how the webpage cites its sources. After every category, the author lists the books which have more information on the subjects presented in that category. However, the author did not list the specifics of the book, ie. , date of publication, author, actual page information, etc. For a researcher who needs these information, this is a great omission on a website that considers itself a bibliographic essay. Also, the website design can be improved; as it is, it is presented in a simple and drab manner. Inspite of the faults stated above, the webpage gives enough historical information and data for any general aspect of popular culture in the stated era. And with how it is presented, via links and redirects, the reader can just connect on other links on the given website for more information about that particular subject matter. The webpages goal is to give out as much information as it can, in a concise and direct manner. In this regard, it has succeeded rather well. References Goodwin, S. (2006). American Cultural History 1960-1969. Retrieved December 20, 2007, from http://kclibrary. nhmccd. edu/decade60. html

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Intelligence Test Use Bias Education Essay

Intelligence Test Use Bias Education Essay Bias in test use occurs when deficiencies in the test itself or the manner in which it is used result in different meanings for scores earned by members of different identifiable subgroups (American Educational Research Association [AERA], American Psychological Association, National Council on Measurement in Education, 1999, p. 74). Bias in testing has been of interest since the origin of testing. Students referred for an assessment to determine special education eligibility are given standardized cognitive and achievement tests administered by a school psychologist or educational diagnostician. These tests are part of a comprehensive assessment which includes measuring general intellectual ability, specific cognitive abilities, scholastic aptitude, oral language, and academic achievement. Data from these tests are important in determining eligibility for special education placement. This paper will review the literature that addresses the test bias associated with intelligence test use as it is used to assess special education students for initial and continued eligibility for services. This literature review will examine race, culture and gender as it relates to test bias. In addition, it will briefly review the literature surrounding the significant litigation pertaining to test bias in intelligence testing of special education students. The literature dealing with standardized testing is broad and includes some issues of testing non-disabled students because many issues are relevant to all students. Far from being a neutral practice, intelligence testing perpetuates and intensifies educational inequities in two ways: through the misuse of test scores; and because test bias works against the interests of students from low-income groups, racial and ethnic minorities, girls and young women, and students with disabilities (Froese-Germain, 1999). The goal of this research is to identify the major theories and opinions related to intelligence test bias and issues relating to the use of these tests with respect to overrepresentation in special education. Intelligence Test Use Public Law 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, mandated free and appropriate public education for children, ranging in age between 3 and 21, who have disabilities (Mercer, 1991) and identified eleven qualifying categories. In 1990, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) included two more categories in the definition of disabilities for a total of thirteen. As these disabilities are categorized, testing, classification, and placement in special education programs are unavoidable (de la Cruz, 1996). The primary criterion in identifying students with learning disabilities is the discrepancy between achievement and intelligence (Mercer, 1991). Siegel (1989) disagreed with this fact and stated that IQ tests are inaccurate and irrelevant in the qualification of learning disabilities. The use of IQ tests for the purpose of qualifying students for special education placement is at the forefront of the test bias controversy. Despite this fact, IQ tests continue to be used to identify students for special education. Racial Bias Jensen (1980) has published what may be the most comprehensive review of racial bias in psychometric tests. His review, with others (Brown, Reynolds, Whitaker, 1999; Cole, 1981) concluded that there was little or no evidence of bias against minority students in intelligence tests. Gutkin Reynolds (1981) agree that there is no evidence of bias with respect to ethnic background when interpreting IQ scores. Rock Stenner (2005) measured intelligence tests as a predictor for achievement test and came to the same conclusion. They found no evidence of racial bias. Brown, et al, further concluded that the major constructs underlying intelligence tests are comparable across ethnic groups. Weiss, Prifitera, and Roid (1993) researched the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III; Wechsler, 1991). They concluded that WISC-III scores predicted grades and achievement test scores for samples of Hispanic-American and African-American students as well as they did for White students. Critical surveys and critical analyses of available studies have failed to support the hypothesis that ability tests are less valid for African-Americans than for Whites in predicting educational performance and similar results have been obtained for Hispanic-Americans (Anastasi, 1998, p. 197.) Assessment bias in special education is part of the larger debates about race, intelligence, and inequality in society (Herrnstein Murray, 1994; Mensh Mensh, 1991; Snyderman Rothman, 1988). In the Journal of Black Psychology, Onwuegbuzie Daley (2001) claimed that Herrnstein Murray subscribed to the hereditarian or classicist theory of intelligence. They further elaborated on the eight premises linked to this theory. Suzuki Valencia (1997) stated that although hereditarians claim that African American and Hispanic students are classified as special education due to genetics, evidence suggests that environmental factors such as racism and poverty are to blame. Shephard (1987) argued that item response theory explained a small but significant portion of the variance in Black-White test score discrepancies. Blanton (2000) determined that there was race and class bias in intelligence testing with respect to Mexican Americans and African Americans when compared to white students. However, some of the bias is attributed to the unintentional racism of the testers themselves. Cultural Some of the literature addressed the issues of test bias with respect to race and ethnicity as cultural. However, Curran, Elkerton Steinberg (1996) studied the use of intelligence testing with American Indian children. In this study, they used two different intelligence tests in an attempt to identify test bias in the most widely-used measure of intelligence, the WISC-III. Their study did not determine a significant difference. Therefore, no test bias was identified in the use of these tests for determining intervention needs. As the United States population becomes more diverse and multicultural, more controversy regarding assessment bias in special education is expected (de la Cruz, 1996). The results of studies regarding the cultural bias of standardized tests have not had unanimous outcomes. Valencia Aburto (1993) studied the use of intelligence testing with respect to Chicano students. They found that this testing played a role in ability-level grouping and tracking in elementary and secondary schools. However, no test bias was found between Chicano and white students with respect to construct validity (terms tend to be more familiar to one group than another.) This is consistent with Reynolds Gutkin (1979) study of Anglo and Chicanos students referred for psychological assessment. Gender Stone Jeffrey (1991) studied the use of intelligence tests to predict achievement for males and females. Their study concluded that intelligence tests predicted achievement equally for each sex. In addition, they found the intelligence tests were not biased and not responsible for the disproportionate number of male students in special education. Maller (2001) studied differential item functioning (DIF) with respect to males and females. Although one-third of the items she studied presented DIF, she reported that the WISC-III did not exhibit test bias. Hale Potok studied the sexual bias in the WISC-R with respect to the overrepresentation of boys in special education classes. They found that girls scored five points higher than boys. Although the results were statistically significant, they were not practically significant. Interestingly, the sample was entirely white children of lower to middle socioeconomic status from a rural area. Litigation Surrounding Testing Bias The direction of special education has been influenced by the court decisions on test bias. Test bias concern, coupled with overrepresentation in special education led to court cases concerning minority disproportionality. The California Department of Education agreed in Diana v. State Board of Education (1970), to (a) test bilingual children in both English and their primary language; (b) delete unfair verbal items from the tests; (c) reevaluate all Mexican-American and Chinese students enrolled in classes for individuals with educable mental retardation, using nonverbal items and testing them in their native language; and (d) make IQ tests that incorporate Mexican-American culture and are standardized only on the Mexican-American population (Salvia Ysseldyke, 1995). Many of the facts pointed out in Diana v. State Board of Education found their way into P.L. 94-142 (Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975) according to MacMillan, et al, 1988. Zurcher, 1998 states that the regulations arising out of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990 (IDEA; the reauthorization of P.L. 94-142) state that testing and evaluation materials and procedures used for the purposes of evaluation and placement of children with disabilities must be selected and administered so as to not be racially or culturally discriminatory (section 300.530). The case of Larry P. v. Riles (1972, 1974, 1979, 1984) brought attention to test bias. In this case, six African-American students in the San Francisco Unified School District complained about the unconstitutional number of African-American students that were identified with educable mental retardation and placed in special education classes. The presiding judge in Larry P. v. Riles (1972/1974/1979/1984) agreed with this concern. Thus a court order banned the use of standardized IQ tests in California stating that they disproportionately assign Black and other minority children to special education programs. Additionally, Larry P. v. Riles brought the stigma associated with classification as a predictor of educational failure. Reschly (1980) stated that the banning of IQ tests may prevent single factor discrimination, but would negatively impact the economically disadvantaged minorities who may require a disproportionately greater share of special education services. Therefore, this decision may help some students, but may also hinder the opportunities of other students. In PASE (Parents in Action on Special Education) v. Hannon (1980), the ruling was that one item on the Stanford-Binet and a total of eight items on the WISC [Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; Wechsler, 1949] and WISC-R [Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised; Wechsler, 1974] were culturally biased against African-American students, the use of those items does not render the tests unfair, and would not significantly affect the score of an individual taking the tests (as cited in Rothstein, 1995, p. 102). This case did not see the same results as Larry P. v. Riles because they were not the only bases for classification beca use multifaceted testing was also used (Turnbull, 1993). Additionally, the evaluation procedures section of the IDEA regulations outline specific procedures to address difficulties that culturally diverse students may have with language on tests: States and other evaluation agencies shall insure, at a minimum, that: tests and other evaluation materials are provided and administered in the childs native language or other mode of communication, unless it is clearly not feasible to do so (section 300.532). MacMillan and Balow (1991) focused on inconsistencies with the state of Californias protocol for testing African-American students which led to their conclusion that the Larry P. v. Riles case does not apply to students of other backgrounds. In addition, MacMillan, Hendrick, and Watkins (1988) determined that the Diana v. State Board of Education and Larry P. v. Riles cases did not serve in the best interest of minority students in spite of being favorable rulings. Larry P. v. Riles was revisited in 1993. The issue at that time was the discrimination against African-American students because the use of IQ tests had been previously prohibited. One of the main determinants for students being qualified as learning disabled is a significant discrepancy between ability and achievement. Without the use of an IQ test to determine ability, African-American students were not able to meet the criteria for learning disabilities. The judge allowed the administration of intelligence tests to Afri can-American students (Salvia Ysseldyke, 1995). Standardization with Respect to Testing Traub (1994, p. 5) states that Standardization means that the scores of all students tested can be fairly compared, one against the other à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the essential requirements are that the conditions of administration and scoring be the same for all the students who are tested so that their scores can be compared. There is a great deal of research to support the flaws in standardized tests. FairTest (the National Center for Fair Open Testing in Massachusetts) states that a standardized test (all students take the same test under the same conditions) consistently under-predicts the performance of women, African-Americans, people whose first language isnt English and generally anyone whos not a good test-taker. This group would clearly include those individuals receiving special education services. Froese-Germain (1999) contends that there are eight consistently identifiable reasons that standardized tests are inadequate for assessing student learning and development: (1) Many ty pes of student ability are not captured by a standardized test; (2) Tests may be standardized, but students are not; (3) Standardized tests designed for large numbers of students are of necessity very general in nature; (4) Standardized tests typically measure lower-order recall of facts and skills, and penalize higher-order thinking; (5) Because standardized tests are designed to sort individuals into groups, test questions are chosen on the basis of how well they contribute to spreading out the scores, not on their centrality to the curriculum or their predictive validity; (6) Test performance is shaped by individual characteristics not related to content knowledge; (7) Test preparation and administration take up valuable classroom time that could be used for teaching; and (8) Teachers are induced to teach to the tests rather than for learning with the result that curriculum is becoming increasingly test-driven (Meaghan Casas, 1995). Additional factors identified by Meaghan Casa s (1995) include costs, inability to identify and improve ineffective school programs, and the shifting of responsibility over curriculum to the government and the testing industry. All of these factors involve bias at some level toward the test taker. Overrepresentation in Special Education In 1980, Reschly reported that a great deal of attention has been devoted to enhancing the usefulness and fairness of assessment in classification/placement decisions in recent years. In 1981, Reschly stated that IQ tests were only a small part of the problem of overrepresentation in special education. In 1984, Reschly reported that although the literature stated that overrepresentation was due to bias in tests and possibly even racism, a very small percentage of minority or majority students had been placed in educable mentally retarded programs. Additionally, no significant disproportionality exists with more severe handicaps with respect to race, social status, or gender (Reschly, 1981.) He further reported that overall, IQ test use protects many students of all races, social statuses, and genders from erroneous and inappropriate classification. Conclusion All tests and/or testing/evaluation procedures have limited value with reference to certain individuals or certain groups within the overall population. This is true particularly regarding economically deprived and/or minority group children, and when age/grade norms are used, with male children as well. (Magliocca Rinaldi, 1982). This argument goes to the credibility of using multiple assessments to determine special education qualification, not simply standardized tests. To address the influx of current buzzwords pertaining to multi-factored assessment with regard to current evaluation and placement procedures, Magliocca Rinaldi state that there is simply a greater need to implement procedural safeguards to prevent possible discriminatory practices in this process. This would, in turn, reduce test bias concerns. Snyderman and Rothman (1987) found that the school psychologists and education specialists they surveyed believed that intelligence and standardized tests appropriately measure the significance of success in society. However, although Snyderman and Rothman believed these tests held significance, they also viewed the tests as racially and socioeconomically biased. These viewpoints substantiate how some tests simply do not measure what they are being used to measure. Tests do not tell us anything; their data always require interpretation in the case of an individual child (Mearig, 1981). In summation, Standardized test scores are becoming the mechanism that facilitates a number of questionable education practices that contribute to education inequity. (Froese-Germain, 1999). The misuse of standardized testing is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦moving us away from a more inclusive model of education. (Meaghan Casas, 1995). Additionally, it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦accounts in large part for the disparity in achievement observed between American White students and those from minority groups, as well as between students from higher- and lower-income groups (Darling-Hammond, 1991). Oakes (1985) concluded that misuse of standardized testing hurts low-income and minority group children, and that it not only reflects but perpetuates class and racial inequalities in the larger society. Using a method of testing already biased against certain groups of studentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦only adds insult to injury. Gardner (1983) stated that only if we expand and reformulate our view of what counts as human intell igence will we be able to devise more appropriate ways of assessing it and more effective ways of educating it (p.4).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Importance of the First Two Scenes in King Lear Essays -- King Lea

The Importance of the First Two Scenes in King Lear      Ã‚  Ã‚   "King Lear, as I see it, confronts the perplexity and mystery of human action." (Shakespeare's Middle Tragedies, 169)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the previous quotation from the scriptures of Maynard Mack implies, King Lear is a very complex and intricate play which happens to be surrounded by a lot of debate.   "The folio of 1623, which was, as is well known, edited by two of Shakespeare's fellow actors" (Notes and Essays on Shakespeare, 242),   contains not only historical errors, but errors which pertain to certain characters speaking other characters lines.   Amidst all the controversy one fact can be settled upon by all;   King Lear is one of Shakespeare's best tragedies.   While being a great play, the bulk of the plot in King Lear comes mainly from the first two scenes where most of the key events happen.   Along with the plot there is also extensive amounts of setup that occur within the dialogue which key the audience in on the morals and values of the characters.   Marilyn French is completely accurate when she states that "Everything about the play hangs on the first two scenes not just the plot but the values as well" (Shakespeare's Division of Experience, 226).      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The opening scenes of King Lear do an immaculate job of setting up the plot and forming the basis for all the events which occur in the later scenes of the play.   "The elements of that opening scene are worth pausing over, because they seem to have been selected to bring before us precisely such an impression of unpredictable effects lying coiled and waiting in an apparently innocuous posture of affairs." (Shakespeare's Middle Tragedies, 170)   Not onl... ...ill unfold.   The first two scenes of King Lear are pivotal in influencing every aspect of the play including the plot, and the values of the characters contained within the plot.    Works Cited    Clemen, Wolfgang. The Development of Shakespeare's Imagery. New York, NY, USA: Methuen & Co. 1977.    French, Marilyn. Shakespeare's Division of Experience. New York: Summit Books. 1981.    Hales, John. Notes and Essays on Shakespeare. New York, NY, USA: AMS Press. 1973.    Lerner, Laurence. Shakespeare's Tragedies. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books Ltd. 1964.    Shakespeare, William. King Lear.   As reprinted in Elements of Literature. Toronto:   Oxford University Press.   1990.    Young, David. Shakespeare's Middle Tragedies - A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1993.

Monitoring Patients Through Telehealth Essay -- Health Care

Introduction Telehealth is the monitoring via remote exchange of physiological data between a patient at home and health care professionals at hospitals or clinics to assist with diagnosis and treatment. As our society ages and health care costs increase, government and private insurance payers are seeking technological interventions. Technological solutions may provide high quality healthcare services at a distance, utilize professional resources more effectively, and enable elderly and ill patients to remain in their own homes. Patients may experience decreased hospitalization and urgent care settings, and out of home care may not be required as the patient is monitored at home. However, no study has been able to prove telehealth benefits conclusively. This change in health care delivery presents new ethical concerns, and new relationship boundaries between health care professionals, patients, and family members. This paper will discuss telehealth benefits in specific patient populations , costs benefits of using telehealth, and concerns of using telehealth. Literature Review Telehealth has shown benefits in monitoring patients with chronic health conditions, decreasing hospital admissions and emergency room visits, and improving treatment regimen compliance at home. Zimmerman & Barnason (2007) investigated the use of telehealth devices with cardiac surgical patients. Health Buddy devices can deliver information, education, and professional support for post-operative cardiac patients. The patient’s responses triggered different algorithms to further individualize post-operative interventions (Zimmerman & Barnason, 2006). Health care professionals were able to monitor recovery at home, progress following cardiac s... ...rsing education. Teaching with Technology, 32(3), 189-194. Mackenzie, R., & Sakel, M. (2011, April/May). Teleneurology: Ethics of devolving responsibilities from clinicians to families and/or carers. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 7(2), 490-493. Rothwell, E., Ellington, L., Planalp, S., & Crouch, B. (2011, August 25). Exploring challenges to telehealth communication by specialist in poison information. Qualitative Health Research, 22(1), 67-75. doi:10.1177/1049732311420446 Shore, J. H., Brooks, E., Savin, D. M., Manson, S. M., & Libby, A. M. (2007, June). An economic evaluation of telehealth data collection with rural populations. Psychiatic Services, 58(6), 830-835. Zimmerman, L., & Barnason, S. (2006). Use of a telehealth device to deliver a symptom management intervention to cardiac surgical patients. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 22(1), 32-37.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Cloned Zoos Essay -- Research Paper Animals Cloning Papers

Cloned Zoos Imagine an earth where every animal lives within an enclosed area where all humankind can see them. Yet, within these enclosures are the only places humans can see these animals alive. Why? It is because the animals' habitats have been damaged and completely destroyed for the needs and usage of human kind. These enclosed areas are called Cloned Zoos: The Final Stronghold of the World's Biodiversity. These cloned zoos are full of cloned animals that have been brought back from the dead or from the edge of extinction. Humankind has come to a point where all life on earth is controlled by human hands and where without the help of humans no animals will survive. Can you imagine a world where this instance has become reality? Could humankind allow this atrocity to happen? Will they allow this atrocity to happen? Well, some scientists are trying to avert this tragedy from occurring by using cloning to preserve those animals that are endangered or rapidly approaching the brink of extinction. The technology for cloning is improving and some scientists are turning to this technology as a way to preserve the genes of species faced with extinction due to weak reproductive abilities or a population, which is split and unable to reach another population. A member of an endangered species can be cloned and reintroduced into the original or a distant and unreachable population. Another option is the member being cloned can be brought back to life after it has died in order that its genes are still part of the gene pool. An estimated one hundred species go extinct each and every day, which means that approximately 36,500 species would go extinct every year (British Broadcasting Corporation, 2003). This extinction trend coul... .... (October 2, 2003). Tobin, Kate. First cloned endangered species dies 2 days after birth. January 12, 2001. 18 September 2003 Weise, Elizabeth. USA Today: The crËme of the clone crop. September 28, 2003. 18 September 2003 Westphal, Sylvia Pagan. "So simple, almost anyone can do it." New Scientist. 17 August 2002: 16-17. Wright, Richard T. Biology: Through the Eyes of Faith. San Francisco: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1989. [1] The zona pellucida is "the extracellular matrix of the egg," (Campbell, Reece, Mitchell, 1999, p. 940), a protective layer of the egg. [2] "Fitness is a measure of potential success," (English 107), for a species within a given environment. Cloned Zoos Essay -- Research Paper Animals Cloning Papers Cloned Zoos Imagine an earth where every animal lives within an enclosed area where all humankind can see them. Yet, within these enclosures are the only places humans can see these animals alive. Why? It is because the animals' habitats have been damaged and completely destroyed for the needs and usage of human kind. These enclosed areas are called Cloned Zoos: The Final Stronghold of the World's Biodiversity. These cloned zoos are full of cloned animals that have been brought back from the dead or from the edge of extinction. Humankind has come to a point where all life on earth is controlled by human hands and where without the help of humans no animals will survive. Can you imagine a world where this instance has become reality? Could humankind allow this atrocity to happen? Will they allow this atrocity to happen? Well, some scientists are trying to avert this tragedy from occurring by using cloning to preserve those animals that are endangered or rapidly approaching the brink of extinction. The technology for cloning is improving and some scientists are turning to this technology as a way to preserve the genes of species faced with extinction due to weak reproductive abilities or a population, which is split and unable to reach another population. A member of an endangered species can be cloned and reintroduced into the original or a distant and unreachable population. Another option is the member being cloned can be brought back to life after it has died in order that its genes are still part of the gene pool. An estimated one hundred species go extinct each and every day, which means that approximately 36,500 species would go extinct every year (British Broadcasting Corporation, 2003). This extinction trend coul... .... (October 2, 2003). Tobin, Kate. First cloned endangered species dies 2 days after birth. January 12, 2001. 18 September 2003 Weise, Elizabeth. USA Today: The crËme of the clone crop. September 28, 2003. 18 September 2003 Westphal, Sylvia Pagan. "So simple, almost anyone can do it." New Scientist. 17 August 2002: 16-17. Wright, Richard T. Biology: Through the Eyes of Faith. San Francisco: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1989. [1] The zona pellucida is "the extracellular matrix of the egg," (Campbell, Reece, Mitchell, 1999, p. 940), a protective layer of the egg. [2] "Fitness is a measure of potential success," (English 107), for a species within a given environment.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How employable individuals turn their focus to start-ups

How employable persons turn their focal point to start-ups?An Empirical Study on Factors Motivating Business Students to Travel to the Entrepreneurial SectorAbstract.This exploratory survey is efforts to analyze how employable persons turn their focal point to start-ups. Today, bulk of employees still rehearse a more or less self-protective scheme. In this paper the research worker has reported on the consequences of an empirical survey of factors actuating degreed possible employees to travel to self enterprising. The make up one's minding factors to go an enterpriser and of sustainable employment-oriented factors to be analyzed in order to detect how they differ. Participants consisted of 200 pupils from Malaysia entered concluding twelvemonth of concern undergraduate and graduate student plans. Self-administered questionnaires were used to garner informations on factors and types of relationships act uponing calling pick and entrepreneurial purpose. The consequences will function as a footing for betterment of employment patterns and assuring entrepreneurial course of study in universities to back up start-ups in making sustainable concerns.1. IntroductionToday, employees still act in conformity with employers ‘ official contracts and non doing attempts to pull prioritise attending from local independent concern proprietors. This paper ‘s chief purpose is to take a fresh expression into alumnuss ‘ outlook on the factors actuating employees when sing exchanging occupations if employed and to place the degree of involvement as they commence and develop entrepreneurial ventures. The survey chiefly examined why pupils decide to go enterprisers, hence, seven chief issues associated with alumnuss ‘ motive as they established, driving and developing their concerns, these being chosen following a procedure of pilot perusal of graduating pupils.2. Review of Literature2.1. OverviewA figure of research workers have attempted to see factors such as gender, grade point norm, continuance and field of survey and entrepreneurial household background as of import factors impacting pupils ‘ perceptual experience and attitudes towards the chance of new ain concern formation, and some of these factors clearly enhance or inhabit such inclination ( Oakey, Mukhtar and Kipling, 2002 ) .2.2.MotivationCoevals of start up thoughts have been explored by a figure of research workers. Opportunity acknowledgment is dependent on whether the enterpriser was extrinsically stimulated. A taking entrepreneurship text has recognised the â€Å"important deductions for enterprisers who need to be originative in their thinking† and of the construct that creativeness can be learned or enhanced ( Timmons & A ; Spinelli, 2008 ) . The three types of chances designation to the field of entrepreneurship as established by Sarasvathy, Dew, Velamuri, and Venkataraman ( 2003 ) are recognized, discovered and created. There are assorted motivations to get down a new venture. Harmonizing to Amit, McCrimmon, Zietsma and Oesch ( 2001 ) , money is of import but non needfully most of import. They argue that some of the cardinal non-monetary motivations for get downing up a concern include the wish to be independent and the combination of work and family duties. These start-up motivations may hold of import effects for the grade of ( over ) optimism that characterizes ( assuring ) enterprisers. For illustration, if an enterpriser is chiefly driven by wealth creative activity, it may be expected that ( s ) he is more likely to be disappointed if the turnover in the first twelvemonth is comparatively low. If the enterpriser is driven by the want to be independent, ( s ) he may be unpleasantly surprised by the strong trust upon a limited figure of clients or the bank. If the primary start-up motivation is working a sensed chance, the enterpriser may be faced with other people who came up with the same thought or perchance an overestimated market demand for the ( new ) merchandise. Gilad and Levine ( 1986 ) , agreed in their analysis on intrinsic and extrinsic that there are favoritism between start-up motivations. Intrinsic motivations include the desire for independency and uniting work with attention for household members. Entrepreneurs who are driven by such motivations will likely be less inclined to put unrealistically high monetary ends. Extrinsic motivations include two classs: pull and push factors. An chance of sensed net income is an of import pull factor of entrepreneurship, while ( the menace of ) unemployment is a well-known push factor. Sing the development of chances, As Hayward, Shepherd and Griffin ( 2006 ) argued, instigators of new ventures with overconfident will put to death excessively much capital to the chances. If enterprisers are ‘blinded ‘ by their ain thoughts and neglect to adequately measure the competition and the ( possible ) jobs to transform the chance into a profitable venture, over optimism is around the corner. Those who under employment or unemployment, belief that making new concerns assuring more expected public-service corporation ( Douglas & A ; Shepherd, 2000 ; Van Praag & A ; Cramer, 2001 ) .3. MethodologyGartner ( 1989 ) proposed that a common restriction of surveies into the forecasters of entrepreneurial purposes is the failure of research workers to take samples that are ( 1 ) comprised entirely of people who are serious about entrepreneurship and ( 2 ) who are in the procedure of doing the determination to go involved in making a new concern. Krueger, Reilly and Carsrud ( 2000 ) find that surveies consisting samples of upper-division college pupils can bring out job-related penchants at a clip when respondents are fighting with of import calling determinations. Therefore, it is acceptable and appropriate to look into entrepreneurial purpose using a sample of upper-class college pupils. ( Brice and Nelson, 2008 ) , it is of import to observe that the population of involvement in their survey consists of persons who perceive that they will go enterprisers and non needfully merely those who will really go enterprisers. This difference is important because while actions has been demonstrated to be predicted by purposes. Therefore, the focal point of this research remains at the entrepreneurial purposes degree of analysis. The sample chosen consists of graduate student and undergraduate concern grade plan pupils who were approaching graduation. When pupils contemplate graduation, they may besides develop immediate calling programs and long-range ends. The respondents are those from the concern subjects because, based on their subject involvement, they have already decided to prosecute business-related callings. For that ground, a homogenous sampling of university college pupils was included in this survey. This survey sample consisted of 200 pupils from University Colleges in Malaysia who participated using a structured questionnaire informations aggregation methodological analysis. Subjects consisted of concluding ( 3rd ) twelvemonth concern undergraduates and concluding twelvemonth Master of Business Administration ( MBA ) pupils in the concentrations of direction. They were appropriate chiefly because their academic concentration implied that they had serious involvement in prosecuting a concern cal ling. Based on literatures to set up the major feelings and spheres associated with start up purposes, the research worker has gathered his ain study instrument with a series of 29 employment -self employment related motivational points that could be practicably responded by pupils. The 7 chief subjects covered by the study inquiries include house and proprietor features ; involvement to start-up ; motive to exchange occupation if employed ; calling preferred timing and industry ; medium for seeking employment: desire and chance of wagess and chance ; standards of taking employers. Many of the points overlapped conceptually, but one of the purposes of the pilot survey was to pare the survey points after finding which preeminent represented the concepts. The research worker contacted pupils straight via targeted groups of respondents list arising from the Faculty of their academic major plan. Responses were gathered on a 5-point Likert graduated table runing from 1 = â€Å"extremely undesi rable† to 5 = â€Å"extremely desirable.† and entire graduated table mark was obtained by averaging the nine inquiries. Any points with a negative valency were rearward coded so that higher tonss were declarative of favourable entrepreneurial -related motives. Table 1, shows the hypotheses to be tested in this survey.4. Analysis and ConsequencesStudents ‘ primary motives to start-up were probed one time all the related information from the respondents was wholly obtained. In order to set up instrument dependability, Cronbach ‘s coefficient alpha was computed. The dependability coefficient was 0.71 which indicates that the instrument was dependable in its measuring of determiners for start ups. Information refering to each respondent ‘s age, gender, and expected wage was obtained to utilize as control variables in the analysis. Each of these control variables was recorded as non-continuous, categorical forecasters. Then, informations decrease technique is used to blossom the information embedded in the study informations. Hypothesis 1: Purpose for independent concern start-ups is higher than fall ining established houses After riddance of topics with study questionnaires were merely partly completed, the concluding sample totalled 196 pupils. As shown in Table 2, this sample was every bit represented between the genders, dwelling of 107 ( 54.6 % ) males and 89 ( 45.4 % ) females. Subjects were chiefly graduating undergraduate concern pupils ( 65.8 % ) and graduating postgraduate pupils ( 34.2 % ) . In fact, there were 129 unmarried man degree pupils who aged below 25 old ages than MBA pupils who aged 26 and supra. The bulk of topics were anticipating salary between RM5001- RM15000 ( 56.2 % ) which is non in conformity or earnable with employment even in established houses. Students ‘ responses for researching into entrepreneurial sector were gathered on a 5-point Likert graduated table runing from 1 = â€Å"Very Keen† to 5 = â€Å"Not interested at all.† Since the mean, average and mode values are really near to each other, it shows the information is symmetrical. The mean for the 196 pupils is 2.08 with a standard divergence of 1.088. The Trimmed average value of 2.01 is similar to the mean above. Hence, shows there are no outliers in the information set. In this study, since the sample size is 196, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov trial is used. The p-value of the trial is less than 0.001. Hence, the information is non distributed normal. Of the 196 pupils, 77 ( 39.3 % ) really enthusiastic towards start-ups, 52 ( 26.5 % ) tidal bore to start-up, 46 ( 23.5 % ) open to any chance, and 16 ( 8.2 % ) to see start-up option. Out of entire, 5 ( 2.6 % ) prefer employment. Since the correlativity value is within 0.5 to 0.8, start-up purpose among degree pupils is said to correlate â€Å"adequately† with at least one other variables in the concept. In this study, the KMO value is 0.819, which is considered good. Bartlett ‘s trial of sphericalness is used to analyze whether the correlativity matrix is an individuality matrix. Identity matrix can be ruled out if the p-value of the trial is less than 0.05 ( Karuthan and Krishna, 2009 ) . In this theoretical account, since the p-value is less than 0.001, the research worker returns with factor analysis. Since the research worker wanted to analyze the implicit in concept among the six variables: Curiosity, Interest, Consideration, Preparation, Puting Up and Start-up Timing. This is a individual implicit in construct ; hence, it is called the â€Å"Start-up Intent Structure† . Since the â€Å"Start-up Intent Structure† varies from individual to individual, it is a variable excessively. However, it can non be measured by physical agencies. Hence, it is called a latent variable or merely factor. The theoretical account for â€Å"Start-up Intent Structure† is given in Figure 4. In Figure 4, one can visualise six coincident arrested development maps: Curiosity, Interest, Consideration, Preparation, Puting Up and Start-up Timing as the dependants and â€Å"Start-up Intent Structure† as the independent. Curiosity = L1 ? â€Å"Start-up Intent Structure† + e1 Interest = L2 ? â€Å"Start-up Intent Structure† + e2 Consideration = L3 ? â€Å"Start-up Intent Structure† + e3 Preparation = L4 ? â€Å"Start-up Intent Structure† + e4 Puting Up = L5 ? â€Å"Start-up Intent Structure† + e5, Start-up Timing = L6 ? â€Å"Start-up Intent Structure† + e6 where Li ‘s are called the factor burdens and ei ‘s are the mistake footings. Table 4.1, since there are 6 variables in this analysis, 6 constituents ( or factors ) are listed in the first column. The several Eigen values and per centum of discrepancy explained are provided in the following two columns. For Factor 1, the Eigen value is 3.109 and the discrepancy is 51.811 % of the entire discrepancy. For factor 3, 4,5 and 6 the Eigen value is less than the default value of 1. In the same tabular array, under â€Å"Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings† , merely two factors are listed, matching to the factors for which the Eigen values is more than 1. Based on the cumulative % column, these factors explain 68.792 % of the entire discrepancy in the 6 original variables. Harmonizing to Karuthan and Krishna, ( 2009 ) established that, in societal scientific disciplines, at least 50 % of the entire discrepancy in the variables in analysis must be explained by the factor of factors. In this study, a individual factor extracted explains more than 50 % of the enti re discrepancy in the original variables. Hypothesis 2: Motivations to exchange occupation if employed in constituted houses associated with independent concern start-ups One manner Analysis of Variance is used to prove if there is a difference in agencies between motive variables. Based on Kruskal Wallis Test ( Table 5 ) for the average ranks, evidently, the degreed pupils are looking for a more ambitious calling in footings of expanded range of work, more duties and alteration in calling way rank much higher compared to the pupils who looking to fall in a more constituted and stable administrations. On the other manus, 82.20 % pupils feel that they need to get away from unfavorable office working environment such as non happy with equals, foremans, office political relations and etc. Table 3.1, supports pupils involvement, whereby 97.4 cumulative per centum and average rank shown chance of sing the new concern start-up. Table 6, the p-value for the Levene ‘s trial for equality of discrepancy is 0.000, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, equality of discrepancies is non assumed. Table 7 depicts that the F-value is 3.933 and the grades of freedoms are 7 and 188. A little F statistic implies that the difference between group means is little and, therefore, it could be concluded that there is no difference between the group means. The p-value of the trial is 0.000, which is less than 0.05 and the eta-squared value of 0.128, which is less than 0.15, hence, at least one brace of agencies differ significantly. Therefore there is a demand to place the brace that differs significantly. In this instance nonparametric trial is performed. Based on Kruskal Wallis Test, the p-value of this trial is 0.000, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, at least one ground differs in footings of motive towards self-employment instead employment. From the mean of all motive concepts, it could be argued that most pupils are acute to get down their ain concern ( average rank 109.37 ) and the chief motivation for start-up instead than sing employment is looking for more ambitious calling ( average rank = 110.89 ) , followed by working environment grounds ( average rank = 82.20 ) and the demand for fiscal security ( average rank = 68.96 ) . The research worker identified two types of possible enterprisers depending upon their intents at the clip of get downing the concern: foremost â€Å" self-acting † who placed high precedence on non holding to work for others, and secondly, â€Å"company-men † who builds the organisation. This research obtains interesting findings and makes of import tri-party parts for pupils as future enterprisers, for policy shapers in big established companies and for the decision-makers or course of study interior decorators of universities. As the consequences have shown, the motive that encourages pupils to get down up a new concern, their wonder with the thought of the new concern or the difficult work they are willing to set in readying phase of the new concern, along with their start-up timing, are cardinal in the start up of the new concerns. Detecting this rule, the new concerns are formed non merely by those alumnuss who can make it, nevertheless, by the alumnuss who to make it matching with those who have the â€Å"acquired eagerness† to make that. However, policy shapers in established companies need to guarantee that their employees working in a contributing office working environment with concentrating more on employee relationship direction. That likely will f orestall employees to exchange occupation looking for favorable working environment which free of office political relations. Within this model, pedagogues are playing a really of import function. Recently, Malayan universities and governmental organic structures have made attempts which include classs on new venture creative activity, nevertheless, it is non sufficient since the topic is non practiced or implemented from the lowest degrees of schooling.4. RecognitionsA particular thanks is due to the Dean of Business and Accountancy Faculty without whose openness and fairness this research would hold been impossible.